Malware attacks are the biggest cyber scams that unethical hackers use to exploit the resources of a company. A malware software not just steals sensitive user information, it can also spread into the entire network and encrypt the information, decrypting it only in lieu of a substantial sum of money. Companies, all across the globe, end up losing a fortune at the hands of malware attacks every year. Many small to mid-sized firms stall and fail to see another day. Thus, it is necessary that you adopt malware protection techniques that can reduce the risk of infiltration and can also limit the damage if a malware security breach happens. Some such strategies of importance are listed below.
- Password Management
Password management has different stages listed below.
- Password Formation Stage
When creating a password, your direct focus should be on length, complexity, and uniqueness. Any factor missing will make the password weak. The best ways to maintain just the correct amount of everything include the following.
- A) Make it between 12-20 characters.
- B) Characters must include letters (uppercase and lowercase, both), numbers, and symbols.
- C) Complicate words. For example, you can write a simple word like ‘ball’ as ‘B@2l’ and so on.
- Password Protection Stage
Protecting the password is as essential as making one. Best ways to do so include the following.
- A) Do not reuse or repeat the same password.
- B) Do not use unprotected wifi at airports.
- C) Do not save passwords in unencrypted files.
- Password Storage Stage
Storing passwords makes much sense because everyone these days have multiple IoT devices. And, it’s not possible to remember all the passwords. So, use a password management app to note down all your passwords.
- Security Filters
A firewall and an antivirus are the 2 necessary security filters that every system must have in order to protect the information that lays within.
One advancement that can increase the effectiveness of many such basic cybersecurity techniques is network segmentation. When you make many independent networks and use them to store divided information, hackers cannot corrupt all the networks at the same time. As a result, malware spread can be limited.
- Bug Removal
Discrepancies in codes are bugs that serve as a host that can carry malware secretly and spill it in your system. Thus, it’s necessary to patch them. The best ways to ensure safety from bugs are listed below.
- Delete old files.
- Use network testing tools.
- Run bug bounty programs to hire ethical hackers.
- Install software updates as and when released by the manufacturers.
- Do not use pirated software versions at all.